Master Thesis at Misan University discusses the nonlinear analysis of non-prismatic concrete thresholds using the theory of specific elements

A master’s thesis in the college of Engineering at the University of Misan discussed the nonlinear analysis of non-prismatic concrete thresholds using the theory of specific elements.

The thesis presented by the student (Ali Wathiq Abdul Ghani) included theoretical investigations of the bending behaviour and cutting of 43 thresholds of non-porous thresholds armed with or without openings for concrete with normal resistance and high-resistance simple backing and under static loads. In addition, the reinforcement was used by carbon fibre Polymeric CFRP Sheet for seven concrete thresholds.

The study examined several variables on this type of thresholds, including changing the angle of inclination with the horizon, increasing compression resistance, the presence of transverse openings, the presence of longitudinal openings, and the use of polymeric carbon fibre to strengthen the thresholds and to address the shortage due to the presence of the aperture.

The thesis found that the increase in compressive strength resulted in increased shear resistance to the reinforced concrete thresholds. This type of thresholds also has high deformation and energy absorption. The presence of lateral (latitudinal) openings reduced the shear resistance and bending of the thresholds. The presence of longitudinal vents has reduced the gravity of the reinforced concrete thresholds using high resistance concrete, which may be the solution to restore the shortage due to the presence of openings and the use of polymer fibre to strengthen the concrete thresholds with or without openings.