MIsan Journal of Comparative Legal Studies https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls <p>The journal was founded in 2020 under the name of Misan Journal for Comparative Legal Studies. Its function is to publish comparative legal studies and research. It is a refereed journal recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and is issued periodically in physical or electronic format, and it can be issued in both ways together. The journal publishes two issues per year and it is semi-annually. </p> كلية القانون - جامعة ميسان en-US MIsan Journal of Comparative Legal Studies 2521-4675 <div class="page-header"> <h1>Licenses and Copyright</h1> </div> <div class="page-content force-font"> <p>The following policy applies in MJCLS:<br />MJCLS applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) to articles and other works we publish. 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Please do not include any content in your QJAS paper which you do not have rights to use, and always give proper attribution (https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/process?ethics) .<br />If any relevant accompanying data is submitted to repositories with stated licensing policies, the policies should not be more restrictive than CC BY.<br />MJCLS reserves the right to remove any photos, captures, images, figures, tables, illustrations, audio and video files, and the like, from any paper, whether before or after publication, if we have reason to believe that the content was included in your paper without permission from the owner of the content.</p> <p>How to Cite<br />E.A.Makttoof , Kassim J.K , K.H (2020). Distribution of different forms of phosphorus in calcareous soils from middle and south of Iraq . Al-Qadisiyah Journal For Agriculture Sciences,10, 1, 2020, 293-303.</p> </div> Judicial Conciliation in the Civil Proceeding (A Comparative Study) https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls/article/view/6 <p>في الواقع إن المشرع العراقي قد اغفل عن التشريع نصوصآ قانونية تنظم إجراءات التوفيق القضائي في<br>الدعوى المدنية وتبسيط تلك الإجراءات للخصوم ، إذ لا يمكن للخصوم اللجوء إلى القضاء في كل صغيرة وكبيرة<br>، لان العقل والمصلحة يقتضيان اللجوء إلى طريق أفضل وأسرع لحسم النزاع بين الخصوم فالتوفيق القضائي<br>يتميز بالبساطة والسھولة والسرعة في الإجراءات والتخلص من السمات الشكلية في قانون المرافعات المدنية مما<br>يعطي الاطراف حرية التبادل في الآراء والوصول إلى حل شامل في نزاعاتھم ، فالمشرع لم يبين تعريف التوفيق<br>القضائي ولم يبين تلك الإجراءات القانونية التي يجب على الخصوم سلوكھا وكذلك لم يبين ما ھي الآثار القانونية<br>للتوفيق القضائي لذلك من الضروري دراسة ھذه الفكرة ومعالجتھا ضمن نظرية عامة ومشكلاتھا.</p> Hossam Abdel Mohamed Zaher Copyright (c) 2020 2022-09-08 2022-09-08 1 1 37 61 10.61266/mjcls.v1i1.6 Legal controls of the holding company A comparative study)) https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls/article/view/7 <p>عرفت النظم القانونية انواع واوصاف متعددة من الشركات حيث أن هناك أدوات</p> <p>وأساليب لتكوين هذا النوع من الشركات العالمية الا وهو الشركة القابضة بوصفها وسيلة للتكوين وهي شركة مساهمة عامة تقوم بالسيطرة المالية والادارية على شركة او شركات اخرى تدعى الشركات التابعة بنسبة 51% بامتلاكها بأكثر من نصف رأسمالها ويكون لها السيطرة على تأسيس مجلس الادارة وتقوم الشركة القابضة بتعيين ممثليها في مجالس ادارة الشركة التابعة بنسبة مساهمتها، ولا يحق لهذه الشركة أن تشترك في انتخاب بقيه اعضاء مجلس الشركة او هيئة المديرين حسب المقتضى الحالي وقد انصرفت الدراسات القانونية الحديثة في مختلف الدول إلى بحث هذه الظاهرة القانونية، نظراً للأهمية العلمية والعملية لهذا النوع من الشركات في الوقت الحاضر ، هذا وان لكل موضوع حدوده ومداه ونظراً الى خصوصية الموضوع من حيث انه يتناول النظام القانوني للشركة القابضة ، لذلك فأن خطة البحث تقع في مبحثين حيث تناولنا في المبحث الاول مفهوم الشركة القابضة وقد تم توزيع هذا المطلب الى فرعين الفرع الاول ماهية الشركة القابضة أما المبحث الثاني فيتناول القواعد الناظمة للشركة القابضة ، وتضمن المبحث الثاني إدارة الشركة القابضة وانقضائها ، وقد قسم المبحث الى مطلبين رئيسين ، المطلب الاول يتعلق في إدارة انشاء الشركة القابضة وتناول المطلب الثاني انقضاء الشركة القابضة وتصفيتها وختم البحث بخاتمة تضمنت أهم النتائج والتوصيات المتعلقة بموضوع البحث <br>الكلمات الافتتاحية : شركات, اندماج , استثمار</p> hasan eulwan lafatuh hasan eulwan lafatuh Copyright (c) 2022 2022-09-08 2022-09-08 1 1 62 115 10.61266/mjcls.v1i1.7 International Adopted Mechanisms to Assis Environmental Refugees (A Comparative Study) https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls/article/view/8 <p>The phenomenon of environmental asylum is a phenomenon that is very <br>common nowadays. It is increasing continuously and repeatedly. However, the <br>international community avoids admitting this phenomenon for political and economic <br>reasons. Since the international law does not of the environmental immigrants as <br>refugees, it is necessary to search for the reasons and jJustifications that lead them to <br>mislead the protection of public international law. Despite the absence of international <br>rules for environmental refugees, states as well as international governmental and nongovernmental organizations resort to certain mechanisms when natural disasters occur <br>in order to reduce their effects, including those adopted by states before the disaster <br>strikes, such as organizational preparedness, early warning, as well as providing shelter <br>and food…etc. These mechanisms directly affect the phenomenon of environmental <br>asylum positively because the ability of the state to manage the disasters and to <br>coordinate for relief operations provided for the victims will certainly reduce the <br>number of environmental refugees</p> Hiba Thahab Maw Copyright (c) 2022 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 1 1 116 138 10.61266/mjcls.v1i1.8 Commentary on a Decision of Court of Cassation on the Formality of the Musatahah Contract A Comparative Study" https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls/article/view/14 <p>In this commentary, we address the presentation of the jurisprudence of the Court of <br>Cassation in its judgment numbered (268 in the year 2007), considering that the <br>Musataha contract (Usufruct )that was not registered in the Real Estate Registration <br>Department is a valid contract contrary to the provisions of the Real Estate Registration <br>Law No. 43 of 1971, as well as the Comparative Law which considers this contract to <br>be Aynyia and one of the formality contracts, for which it is required to be registered <br>in the Real Estate Registration Department, otherwise the contract is not considered <br>valid. If the Court of Cassation goes in the direction of attributing them to the <br>provisions of Civil Law No. (40) for the year 1951 amended, the existence of the <br>provisions of the Real Estate Registration Law stipulates that there is no doubt that the <br>(Usufruct) Musataha contract is a Formality contract, i.e. it must be registered with the <br>Real Estate Registration Department. It is noted that the Real Estate Registration Law <br>was issued after the provisions of the Civil Law were issued in terms of date.</p> Wadad Wahib Lahumud Copyright (c) 2022 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 1 1 165 177 10.61266/mjcls.v1i1.14 Criminal confrontation Drugs and psychotropic substances (( Comparative study )) https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls/article/view/15 <p>Criminal confrontation is to address unlawful acts related to narcotic drugs and <br>psychotropic substances by criminalizing them, and to tighten and mitigate criminal <br>confrontation based on the importance of the aggressed interests. Therefore, the <br>interests considered important to great in the legislation of criminal and punitive texts <br>related to any unlawful contact with narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances and <br>the identification of crimes was Terms of gravity Therefore, the confrontation differed <br>in terms of defining the crimes according to their gravity, where the legislator faced <br>some criminal behavior with intense confrontation, in order to classify those crimes in <br>terms of gravity as a felony, and this was discussed in the first demand and other crimes <br>that the legislator considered in terms of gravity as misdemeanors and the criminal <br>confrontation to face these crimes was reduced Observations were made about each <br>crime, the extent to which the criminal confrontation is consistent with the gravity of <br>the act and the extent of its prejudice to the perceived interests.</p> Jaafar Shaker Ehsen Mohamed Jabbar Atweh Copyright (c) 2022 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 1 1 178 204 10.61266/mjcls.v1i1.15 The Role of Green Taxes in Reducing Environmental Pollution in Iraq (A Comparative Study) https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls/article/view/16 <p><br>It is known to all that taxes are one of the main resources of the state and an <br>important source of funding for the public budget, as well as its role in achieving <br>economic and social stability by redistributing income and reducing class differences <br>between various groups of society, in addition to its role in achieving political stability. <br>However, tax legislation is no longer limited to those traditional jobs or goals of the <br>tax, but the latter has become an additional role as an effective tool to confront the <br>dangers of environmental pollution resulting from economic development operations. <br>For the purpose of taking note of non-traditional goals of the tax and its role in <br>achieving what is called the green economy, we will separate the research on this <br>subject according to two independent section&nbsp;</p> Zainab Abdul-Kadhim Hassan Copyright (c) 2022 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 1 1 205 237 10.61266/mjcls.v1i1.16 Jurisdiction of the Court of the Administrative Justice to Censor Nationality Decisions (A Comparative Study) https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls/article/view/17 <p>Nationality is a legal and political bond that binds a person to a state, and the state is <br>free to regulate its nationality, but there are restrictions and considerations that limit <br>the authority of the state. The issuance of administrative decisions is the most important <br>aspect of the public authority’s privileges that the administration enjoys for the benefit <br>of individuals. However, this does not prevent the possibility of exposing the right to a <br>nationality for denial by the state or evidence contrary to the law. Therefore, the <br>legislator has to establish a fair balance that enables the administration to perform its <br>function on the one hand and to protect the rights of individuals on the other hand as <br>well as confirm or leave their membership of the state. <br>Judicial censorship of the legitimacy of the administration’s actions to verify that it <br>does not violate the law in matters of nationality represents a great position for reasons <br>including moral harm affecting the individual since depriving him of the state’s <br>nationality or forfeiting it from him without legal basis is considered material harm in <br>addition to moral harm, so the person rushes to the judiciary to dispute the <br>administration due to its action. The dispute is taken in the form of an appeal against <br>an administrative decision, a preliminary matter issue or an original or abstract case <br>that the person submits against the state to prove or deny nationality without the need <br>for an administrative decision from the administration. Consequently, it is necessary to <br>indicate the competent judicial authority in monitoring the issued decisions in matters <br>of nationality and to state the authenticity of the judgments issued therein</p> Worood Lafta Mutair Copyright (c) 2022 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 1 1 238 260 10.61266/mjcls.v1i1.17 The Legal Nature for the Position of the Managing Director (A Comparative Study) https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls/article/view/22 <p>The managing director plays a major role in the company as he undertakes the <br>completion of all necessary contracts conducts all necessary actions to achieve the <br>goals of the company stipulated in its founding contract. In spite of this importance, <br>the Iraqi Companies Act No. 21 of 1997 was devoid of any provision regulating the <br>legal status of the position of managing director despite the significance of this in <br>determining the legal basis for the managing director to be responsible for his mistakes <br>against the company and the partners as well as to determine the legal basis for the <br>accountability of the company against the third party for the actions of its managing <br>director. Therefore, this research is devoted to studying and analysing the most <br>important doctrinal views that have been said on this subject in order to provide the <br>Iraqi legislator with proposals to amend the legislative system in a way that ensures the <br>adoption of the perfect legal nature for the position of the managing director, and in a <br>manner that makes Iraqi legal system keep pace with modern legislative trends as far <br>as the subject of this research is concerned.</p> Dergham Fadel Hussein Copyright (c) 2022 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 1 1 139 164 10.61266/mjcls.v1i1.22 Judiciary Interference in the Formation of the Legislative Authority (A Comparative Study) https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls/article/view/23 <p>Abstract <br>It is evident to those who trace the Iraqi constitutional law after 2003, and <br>especially after the enactment of the 2005 constitution, that the issue of separation of <br>powers in Iraq has emerged more precisely from the previous stage, as it was <br>considered one of the important constitutional issues. However, within the framework <br>of this topic, there is another, more important issue which is the issue of preserving the <br>constitutional boundaries between the powers, and the non-interference between them <br>that may lead to the violation of the principle of separation of powers, and in particular <br>the supposed judiciary interference in he formation of the legislative power in the Iraqi <br>constitution. In other words, studying the problem of what are the limits of the judiciary <br>interference on the legislative power? In order to preserve and protect the independence <br>of each of them, and then not to interfere in the work of the other, the question that <br>arises in our topic is: does the judicial power exercise its competencies without limits, <br>controls, or specific restrictions; therefore, it interveres in the formation of the <br>legislative power? Or is it necessary to have certain limits and controls that ensure the <br>exercise of competencies within its proper legal framework in order to avoid political <br>conflicts with the legislative power, and to avoid a battle out of it, considering that <br>adhering to these controls is the best guarantor to establish the principle of legitimacy <br>and to secure it from strikes that may be exposed as a result of the extravagance of the <br>authorities in its competencies, and collision with other authorities. This problem will <br>be studied and answered through this research.</p> Farid Kareem Ali Hassoun Al-Shaibani Copyright (c) 2022 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 1 1 261 300 10.61266/mjcls.v1i1.23 The Personal Right of Camp Residents in Picture Privacy"Comparative Study https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls/article/view/24 <p>Abstract <br>The 21st century has witnessed major invasions and violations, including what <br>happened in the Arab world in general, where wars led to displace their people, force <br>citizens to leave his home and search for a new home for security and peace. This calls <br>for the preservation of the personal rights of this citizen since it is not permissible to <br>intervene arbitrarily in the life of a human being who has left his country forcibly and <br>may not be photographed and posted pictures without permission, here it requires the <br>provision of civil protection for this human being. <br>Accordingly, the problem of the study is what is the right of privacy in picture? What <br>are the cases of abuses? What is the harm inflicted on this right? And how can it be <br>treated? To answer these questions, we relied on the analytical and comparative <br>approaches of making the rules of Iraqi, Egyptian and Jordanian civil law the subject <br>of analysis and comparison. The scope of the study is determined in accordance with <br>the theme of "the personal right of the camp residents in the picture privacy ", and so <br>it is divided into two sections. The first section deals with the historical origin of the <br>right of privacy and the second discusses compensation for the abuse on the right of <br>picture privacy of the camp residents. The researcher has found in the first section that <br>the historical origin of the right of privacy was not referred to by the majority of <br>legislations that was the subject of directly comparable. But the researcher has found <br>that within the right of privacy in general, and that this right was transferred to modern <br>legislations. The researcher has found that modern Egyptian civil legislation was better <br>than other comparative legislations since Egyptian legislation has stipulated that the <br>infringement procedures should be stopped in the future with compensation for the <br>victim. The researcher also found in the second section that all comparative laws have <br>taken the same path in claiming compensation in the case that the damage actually <br>occurred. </p> Wissam Abdul Mohammed Zahir Copyright (c) 2022 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 1 1 324 347 10.61266/mjcls.v1i1.24 Disciplinary Punishment for A Policeman in Iraqi and Comparative Laws https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/law/mjcls/index.php/mjcls/article/view/26 <p>Most of the legislations in the countries have adopted the principle of the legitimacy of <br>disciplinary penalties, as the penalties were imposed on workers in security institutions <br>exclusively. These penalties were graded in severity from the lowest to the highest and <br>according to the severity of the violation through a disciplinary system. The latter is <br>not considered an arbitrary privilege for the administration; rather it is a set of <br>principles whose provisions are regulated by law. These principles are considered part <br>of the general principles in criminal law that jurisprudence and administrative judiciary <br>have made great efforts that had the creative role to adopt principles that are deemed a <br>constitution for disciplinary punishment. In case that they are not available, the <br>disciplinary decision is void. Consequently, this topic is dealt with through two <br>sections, the first deals with what disciplinary punishment is, and the second deals with <br>divisions of disciplinary punishment.</p> Uday Sameer Haleem Al-Hassani Copyright (c) 2022 2020-01-01 2020-01-01 1 1 301 323 10.61266/mjcls.v1i1.26