Legal subjectivity of the administrative surface contract A comparative study))

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Dalia Jabbar Abdel Hassan
Alaa Nafeaa Katafa Al-Eidani


The contract is one of the legal systems reached by the human mind, and it is a tool for the exchange of benefits and the transfer of funds, and an effective tool for the distribution of wealth, the exchange of services, and the development of resources. And to meet the needs of citizens, and to run public utilities, and this in turn requires that the administration enjoy a different position from what is familiar in private law, so what is known as the administrative contract appeared, and over time, the administrative contracts diversified until they became endless, and among these contracts, a contract appeared that gives the contractor from The administration has the right to create buildings and facilities on land belonging to the administration, which is called the administrative surface contract

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How to Cite
داليا جبار عبد الحسن, & علاء نافع كطافة العيداني. (2024). Legal subjectivity of the administrative surface contract A comparative study)). MIsan Journal of Comparative Legal Studies, 1(8), 152–168. (Original work published July 23, 2023)