The Civil protection of personal data Through the Internet (Comparative study)

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Zainab Sattar Jabbar Kazem


Knowledge has become a right for every human being, coinciding with the information and communication technology revolution, which facilitated access to a lot of information, due to the Internet, which is considered the most prominent human-made thing in the mid-twentieth century of the inventions of the computer, which brought down spatial and time barriers between the different countries of the world. It has become an indispensable necessity at the level of countries and their administration, various companies, banks, hospitals, universities, educational institutions and even individuals, each with its own address that can be accessed through the Internet which has linked the countries of the world, until the world became with its different continents like a small village. The right to know imposed itself by technological means and that this right contradicts another right, which is the right to confidentiality of personal data, which is an exception to that right to protect the interest that protects it, which is the right to privacy. With this development in the world of information through the Internet, various types of violations have arisen that would not have existed without the emergence of this network, including the attack on personal data 

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How to Cite
زينب ستار جبار كاظم. (2022). The Civil protection of personal data Through the Internet (Comparative study). MIsan Journal of Comparative Legal Studies, 1(5), 132–169.